Supercuts Franchisee Association


We are managed by Elevanta, a accredited association management company with more than 30 years of experience managing franchisee associations.

As your association management company,  Elevanta is here to serve you. Along with managing your association, they also offer many programs and services that are available to you at any time.

Health Insurance
  • Elevanta Health
  • Group health insurance designed by franchisees, for franchisees, with 14 plans all within the Blue Cross Blue Shield provider network.

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Property & Casualty

  • Lockton Affinity
  • Elevanta offers a customized approach for claims assistance, loss control services — and every line of coverage you need to protect your business, including general liability, workers’ compensation, EPLI and cyber liability.

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Payroll & Accounting

  • Mize CPAs
  • Personalized service 24/7 and seamless integration through Elevanta partner and full-service CPA firm Mize CPAs.

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Electronic Paycard

  • rapid! Paycard
  • Totally FREE ePayroll debit card program through rapid! Paycard that eliminates the hassle and expense of handing out paper paychecks and offers an appreciated benefit to employees.

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