Supercuts Franchisee Association


SFA Over the Years

1985 – The SFA was formed to facilitate communication and to provide a unified voice for Supercuts franchisees.

1987 – The SFA sued the franchisor over issues regarding the  auditing of the 5% fund. The following were direct or  indirect results of the suit:

• The founders decided to sell the company
• The new owners, wanting to complete the sale, entered into a settlement agreement with the SFA
• Corporate agreed to pay into the 5% for all Corporate stores
• Corporate agreed to allocate local funds to the markets that had paid them
• Corporate agreed to eliminate all 5% advertising fees on product sales
• Corporate agreed to the formulation of the Supercuts Council

1990 – Franchisees gained specific rights through the expansion policy agreement.

1996 – Regis acquired Supercuts, giving franchisees a unique opportunity to renegotiate agreements. The new Working Together Relationship & Agreement and the Revision and  Creation of Requirements for Rewrite were created.

1997 – New royalty rate of 6% for all new salons went into effect.

2005 – Franchise Agreement and Revision and Creation of Requirements for Rewrite were changed to include the following:

• Anniversary fees were reduced and paid over a 5- year period instead of lump sum.
• Marketing Fee of 2% every 10 years was deleted.
• The corporate right to raise royalties was eliminated.
• The corporate right to raise the cost of hairstylist training without restriction was changed to a simple formula

2020 – SFA cancels March 2020 annual conference and supports  members through the pandemic by providing a continuous  stream of information and webinars on government relief  programs, new and changing legislation, and best practices  for local and national health and wellness compliance. Additionally, SFA Board passes a motion to require no dues  payment for 2020.

2021 – SFA works to mitigate the challenges to franchisees from  ongoing pandemic, new corporate leadership and changes  to technology, marketing, product suppliers and training.

2022 – Gary Grace steps down as president of the Board of SFA after 25 years in this role and continues his 35 years of Board service as Immediate Past President.  Long-time Board Officer Gary Robins is appointed president.  In-person conferences resume with April event in Dallas, Texas.

2023 Regis recognizes the SFA member-elected Board of Directors as the primary representative body of the franchisees. The SFA Board is appointed to the Council, meeting regularly with corporate leadership and operational executives. Regis Corp. agrees to cancel its annual conference and instead sponsors the SFA conference in exchange for speaking time.

2024The SFA conference is held in Scottsdale, AZ with record attendance, keynote speaker customer service guru John DiJulius, and newly-added small group breakout sessions.

The Board of Directors votes to change the cadence of conferences rom annually to every 15-18 months.  The next SFA conference is scheduled for Fall 2025.